From Idea to Market, in Just Three Months…
January 13, 2025Introduction
In today’s world, where technology and artificial intelligence provide ie AI era, combining modern tools with an engaging and effective reading experience.
- Selecting Books with Precision and Depth
- Choosing Books Based on Trusted Recommendations:
I choose books recommended by individuals with deep insights and expertise. These could be friends, colleagues, or thought leaders whose opinions I value.
- Avoiding Random Book Purchases:
I never select books by aimlessly browsing through bookstores. My choices are intentional and based on clear criteria.
- Initial Book Browsing
- Skimming the Book Before Full Reading:
After purchasing a book, I browse it to familiarize myself with its structure, chapters, and key ideas. This helps me better understand its value and content.
- Setting Prompts and Summarizing with AI
- Crafting an Intelligent Prompt:
Based on the initial skim, I create a precise prompt for the AI, specifying:
The values to emphasize in the summary.
Examples tailored to my professional interests or preferences.
- Summarizing the Book with AI:
Using AI tools like ChatGPT, I generate a concise, focused summary of the book, covering its key points, chapters, and main ideas.
- Creating Audio Versions of Summaries
- Recording Three-Minute Audio Files:
I convert each summarized chapter into a three-minute audio file. This process allows me to:
Present the key points in a compelling and accessible format.
Add my perspectives and insights.
- Encouraging Listener Interaction:
The audio files are recorded in small segments to enable listeners to react and provide feedback.
- Sharing with Others
- Distributing Files for Feedback:
I share the audio summaries with a group of friends and colleagues who offer valuable feedback, enriching my understanding with diverse perspectives.
- Reading the Book with Greater Focus
- Enjoying a Full and Detailed Read:
After receiving feedback, I read the book with greater attention and enjoyment. Familiarity with the key points and others’ insights deepens my reading experience.
- Recording a Final Analysis
- Creating a Final Analytical Summary:
Upon completing the book, I record a new three-minute audio file summarizing my key takeaways, conclusions, and additional ideas. I then share this with my network.
- Ideas for Improving the Method
- Leveraging Advanced AI Tools:
Content Analysis Systems: Utilize AI tools that can analyze feedback and provide deeper insights.
Interactive Features: Develop a system to facilitate greater interaction with audiences, capturing their thoughts and comparing perspectives.
Collaborative Reading Platform: Design an app that allows users to share summaries, analyses, and feedback.
This innovative approach to reading combines traditional methods with modern AI tools. It not only optimizes the reading experience but also fosters deeper analysis and knowledge sharing. Leveraging AI at every stage of this process helps make the most of our time and resources.
Reading in the AI era is no longer just a solitary activity but an opportunity for collaborative learning and collective growth.
[Mohammad Madani]